Slow DSL?

Were you promised a “high speed” and you DSL is worse than dial up? Or, are you paying hundreds of dollars for a service that you barely get?

Not to worry, I will help you fix the slowness of your DSL service.

In most cases, when we face a slow DSL, we always blame our internet provider. However, statistically speaking, most issues are not caused by your internet provider, but by our own silliness to follow instructions.
When we first get DSL, the DSL provider will send us a new modem, a new Ethernet cable, a new phone cord and filters.

Basically, the only thing we need to do is wait for the “SRD” service ready day, the DATE that our internet provider promised us, that our DSL would be up and running.

Once the expected day comes, we must connect the modem to the jack “IMPORTANT” we must use the equipment that we were sent. for example: the phone cord that we were sent, is short, less than 15 feet, and there is a very good reason for that, is because if we use a longer phone cord the DSL will be slow, or may not work at all. So, if you modem does not reach the phone jack with the phone cord that your company sent you, please, don’t use a longer one, instead move your computer or your modem closer to the wall jack. If you were sent a wireless modem, you won’t even need to connect your computer to the modem.
Make sure to not add a filter to the modem. The DSL filters are meant for all the phones in your house. Everything that connects to a phone jack must be filtered, except the modem.

Always keep in mind what package you ordered. If you order a packer greater than 3.0 mb/s, do ahead and feel free to go wireless. But if you are paying for less than 3.b mb/s, having your connections wireless will slow down the connection; especially if you use more than one device. Remember that your speed will be divided by the numbers of devices that you connect to your wireless network.
Here are suggestions on how you can maximized your speed.   

Have a Need for Speed?
Visit our Optimization Checklist at Verizon Online Support
Download the Free Internet Service Computer Optimization Tools at PC Checkup

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