How to disable the UAC. What is the UAC? How to cancel the UAC? Why is Windows always asking permission to do anything? How to disable the permission window in Vista.

Disable UAC
When opening the device manager, system configuration utility (msconfig) or something that requires administrator rights you get a message like this:
Or this:

Do you want to disable it?
If you want, continue reading (it requires for you to restart the computer)
First, click on start:

On “Start Search” type: msconfig
Right-click on it and left-click on “Run as administrator”
You’ll get this:
Click “allow” and you’ll get this:
Click on “Tools” and you’ll get this:
Scroll all the way down and you’ll get this,
1.- click on disable UAC (if it’s blue you select it)
2.- click “Launch”:
You’ll get this:
3.- type “exit” then hit “enter” in the keyboard to close the command prompt window or click the red “X”
4.- click on “ok” to close the window and restart to computer for the changes to take effect
The next time the computer boot, it will not show the messages asking you to allow or continue with what you want to do.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before finishing sharing the Customer's PC and ending the call, we need to make sure to undo the changes in order for us to avoid causing any conflict. To do so, just follow the same steps but instead of selecting Disable UAC we need choose to Enable UAC.

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