How do I use IPCONFIG utility in my Windows? IPCONFIG feature for my computer. IPCONFIGing with windows. IPCONFIG can be used in a Windows?

How do I use IPCONFIG utility in my Windows? Using IPCONFIG in my windows. What is IPCONFIG for? Is IPCONFIG a virus? Doing an IPCONFIG in my windows PC.

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This walk through is designed to familiarize you with the steps to perform IPCONFIG Release and Renew in Windows 7.

From the Start Menu, click
All Programs.

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The All Programs menu is displayed. Click Accessories.

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The Accessories menu is displayed. Right-click on Command Prompt.

A drop down menu is displayed. Left-click
Run as administrator.
Note: If you are prompted to login, supply your username and password for your computer and click OK to continue.

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The DOS window opens. You should now have a command prompt displayed with Administrative Rights.

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This releases the dynamic IP Address assigned to the Network Interface Card (NIC).

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Once the IP Address is released, you can obtain a new dynamic IP.

ipconfig /renew and press Enter on the keyboard.

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This shows the new IP Configuration that is assigned to the NIC.

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This concludes the Using the ipconfig Utility for Windows 7 walk through.

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