MSCONFIG for my Windows XP. MSCONFIG for windows tech support. Tech support for MSCONFIG. How does MSCONFIG work.

How I Access the MSCONFIG utility in my PC. How do I stop a program from Starting on when I Boot up my Pc. When I turn on my PC MSN starts on, how do I stop it? How do I prevent programs from booting up.

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Either locate
Run on the Start Menu or type msconfig into the search block and press enter.

If you located Run on the Start Menu, type
msconfig into the run block and press enter.

Note that the Run block has an advantage over running the application from the Search block. The Run block runs the application with Administrator rights.

If you do not have Administrator rights, you may be prompted for a username and password for the System Administrator.

If User Account Controls interferes with the execution of MSCONFIG or any of its functionality, simply select the option that allows you to continue.

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The General Tab of the System Configuration Utility contains the Startup Selection. You can select a Normal Startup, Diagnostic Startup, or Selective Startup.

By unchecking an item in the Selective Startup list you can omit it from the startup sequence.

Click the
Boot tab.

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On the Boot tab you will find numerous options pertaining to the boot up of Windows 7.

Other than using
Safe Boot, these options should not be changed as they effect the actual boot files for Windows 7.

More settings are available on the
Advanced Options menu, but are not within support boundaries.

Click the
Services tab.

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The Services tab provides a list of all the services that are starting when Windows 7 boots up.

By removing the check mark next to the name of the service you can stop it from starting on boot up. This should be used for troubleshooting and diagnosis only. Always return the services to normal when you are done troubleshooting, unless the customer specifically asks that you leave it off.

Click the
Startup tab.

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The Startup tab provides a list of all the applications that are starting when Windows 7 boots up.

By removing the check mark next to the name of the application you can stop it from loading on boot up. This should be used for troubleshooting and diagnosis only. Always return the applications to normal when you are done troubleshooting, unless the customer specifically asks that you leave it off.

If you are unsure as to what an application in the list is, use a search engine to research the item before disabling it.

Click the
Tools tab.

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On the Tools tab you will find a list of useful tools and utilities that can be used to customize, troubleshoot, and diagnose Windows 7.
Note: This is a convenient place to find some of the more popular tools such as:System Restore
Computer Management
Security Center
Internet Options
Disable & Enable UAC

OK to exit.

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This concludes the Windows 7 - MSCONFIG walk through.

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